When The Dead Come Calling

2nd book for Exie Susanne Smith – When The Dead Come Calling, May 2015
In this my second book, When The Dead Come Calling, I go into detail as never before about ghosts, spirits, shadow people, orbs and vortices.
An excerpt from the book:
“Working on the computer all afternoon I took a break and visited my social network page. Looking at different pages, someone had posted a picture that literally jumped off the screen at me. I was taken back at how much this picture spoke to me. I could tell by looking at the picture which was of someones home, that it was haunted. Preoccupied with the picture, I had not read the caption with the photo. “Looking for help, what do you see in the photo?”…
I knew there were at least two spirits in her home. I had to have enough courage to help her.
Join me on my journey. See if any of it mirrors your life! Orders may be placed by contacting me or on Amazon.com : Exie Susanne Smith.